Q + A With Aissa Agave

This is a Q+A with creative Aissa Agave. She talks music, spiritual conquests and the ways she stretches her creative legs.

Karoline Yesterdaye , Aissa Agave

10/10/20234 min read

Q : Okay . Let's just clear this out the way . Best Don Toliver song? GO !

A : He has a song called Tacoma; I’m sure it’s a leak but I love how catchy most of Toliver’s songs are. They feel like a therapeutic release and somehow, I feel very connected with most of the lyrics he shares.

Q : Describe how your spiritual practice helps cultivate a viable space for your mediums to flourish? How has the universe helped you to cultivate that as well?

A : I like to call myself a spiritual investigator despite practicing astrology, numerology, human design and hoodoo but I believe my spiritual gifts and practices mesh into dj'ing pretty well due to music being a healing component in life. For example, I have Cameroonian ancestry and a lot of artists are from there - sounds like drums, percussion instruments and chants catch my soul! The universe and God hear my intention and I apply myself. I feel like spirituality can seem or feel forced like it’s something you have to do daily in order to learn lessons or be rewarded but i look at spirituality like balance - same way I look at music. You learn from the stories people tell, you might feel relatability and you might even feel like you’re granted the warmest hug.

Q : Where does the journey for Aissa Agave begin? Bring us to the brand's conception and the overall message that you plan to uphold.

A : The journey for Aissa Agave started as a teen fangirling for Diggy (lol). I’ve always knew I wanted to do something with music. I was bullied until I got out of high school and in 2015 is when I started to have a proper social life and was super nervous about putting myself out there. I created the name Aïssa Agave to empathize that I can be sweet or I can be seemingly cold. Also Aissa means graceful, and agave is sweet. I have a Libra moon so balance plays a lot into what I preach. I also created the name because I was a florist in Chicago at the time and wanted to share my bouquets. Due to racism that job fired me. My dj name nirrti azül came to me intuitively. 2 years into dj'ing I was studying Vedic astrology and being a Sag sun in Vedic I noticed the goddess name was nirrti. It can be seen through kali in some practices so it was super conformational. I used azül- Spanish word for blue because it represents emotions, inspiration and sensitivity - all things I’ve been told. My overall message I want to convey is that you don’t have to stick to one medium. Sometimes God / the universe gives you insight and gifts to explore and I believe the purpose of humanity is humans and to connect. My main goal is for people to connect which is why I believe I haven’t properly monetized from what I’ve done. I'm big on service trading, highlighting what isn’t always seen alongside standing for what’s morally right and want to continue sharing that in everything I do.

Q : Umm TOUR ? Hello ? The gworls and folks are very much thirsty for a DJ to sweep us off to someplace we cant even fathom is happening.

A : I’m really honored because the last few years of my life have been super challenging but also expansive to my growth. I believe in divine timing and wanting to tour this year but I’ve been booked and un-booked all year so my goal is to create a safe, introspective and fun environment people can thrive and dance in!

Q : How did your mix series Dear Diaries come together? Can we expect any exclusives in your next episode?

A : It came together because mental health is something dear to me and sometimes, I don’t have the proper space to release. Unconsciously I believe Junglepussy was in mind when making the series name. Just like needing to vent music tells a story that is SOOO needed and that’s what you can find with each track woven in each other. I definitely might bring it back!

Q : Though our friendship has been taking place online, I would love to find out how we can catch you in your element? And what are the best ways to support you as an artist?

A: I appreciate being able to connect with you alongside your patience with me. Truthfully the best way you can support is to share feedback on what can be better, what you’d like to see, and most importantly booking me.

Q : Any artists that you would like to put on my radar ? I'm always looking for new things to throw in rotation .

A : Mazirati and Staysie Atoms have been in my rotation heavy because they both are so unique, underappreciated and have a good essence.

Q : As a DJ , there has been a lot of discourse about how and what you should and shouldn't be standing ten toes on. What are some house
rules that come along with the art of dj'ing ?

A : It may sound cliche but house rules that come with dj'ing is play what you like and build your own community. Often, I feel like people are used to djs conforming for comfortability and acceptance. If you’re doing that you might miss out on what you really want to do and become a zombie to issues and discussions at hand.

Q : Do you think more people should speak up when venues are clearly breaching contracts and not upholding a proper standard? What is good party etiquette anymore?

A : I believe everyone should utilize their voice in order to be successful and help society. I believe good party etiquette can be seen on both sides. For curators, curate and event like your home. Have a place for hydration and snacks (kitchen), somewhere for people to use the bathroom (bathroom), place for entertainment (living room), seating or resting area (bedroom) and feel free to include some healing and aftercare methods (backyard). For attendee have a buddy system in place or ride share. Talk to people who you feel uncomfortable!